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PMBF905: Elegant manicure table is an economical option

PMBF905: Elegant manicure table is an economical option
PMBF905: Elegant manicure table is an economical option

• If you simply don't possess enough space in your salon for a large manicure table, consider opting for something a bit more compact.
• The " Elegant" manicure table is an economical option, sporting an accessory storage drawer and a wrist pad for client comfort.
• The laminated top surface is easy on maintenance and cleaning, while the sturdy metal legs add durability and longevity.
• With a wheeling base, the " Elegant" supports simple furniture rearrangement and stays mobile.
• Sometimes it's best to be conservative in your decor scheme and save a little extra space.
• Available with black frame and options of black or cherry tops.


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